Crazy Year…but thankful as well!

Hi all…it is New Year’s eve…I decided to write…again! I also went back and reviewed some old posts…and I can be really dark. That needs to change.

To set the stage, this is the first New Years that I have been alone…don’t feel sorry for me, I have my two dogs, grand dog, gecko, bearded dragon, and the newest member of the Pogue household…Billy the Goat…see the picture…with me. My younger daughter wants to be a vet, so we told her to take an AG class…and OMG, it has been the best experience for all of us…and not to freak people out, my wife and kids are at the beach, socially distance from everyone. She is a school teacher, and her mother wanted to get away from 2020…so we said, bye, relax…you deserve it.

COVID has been crap, but let’s take stock and remember the good stuff. Yesterday, I made my granny’s and mom and dad’s jumbala…by myself. I think my parents were more excited than I was. We talked and texted and facetimed for 2 hours (dish cooking time) and they called later to confirm good taste. That’s a win…I haven’t seen them much because of COVID, but guess what, thanks 2020 for that awesome experience with my parents!! Probably would not have happened any other year…just saying!

Also, we must take stock with what we have and tell people how we feel because loss has hit us in the face this year.

Michael Hinesly, your one of the few non-family members who reads this, so I am throwing out my love and sympathy to you my friend…I am sorry about your losses this last month. We all love you, and pray with you every day.

WSISD and WSISD Special Programs…you are the most amazing people…dealing with COVID, state rules regarding COVID, and me. You are unbelievable, and I could do without you…all of you…extra shout outs to Cassondra, Mandy, Chris, and Mr. Molinar. We could not be great without people and support like you! To Suzanne and Brittany , we are praying with you on your journey!

What you choose to focus on defines you…I have cussed more in 2020, seen more people cry in 2020, and questioned my abilities more in 2020 than at any point of my life…but, big but here, what I am going to focus on is the awesomeness of the short time with Kylo, his amazing surviving brother Oakley, the new goat, the fact that I have 2 amazing girls who are smarter and more talented that I ever was or will be, my work family that makes me smile and laugh (I will have to explain the Julie glamorous comment next year) every day, and my amazing wife whom I will be married to 25 years in June. She is the family rock.

Here’s to a vaccinated, healthy, lower weight, better golf game, and amazing 2021!

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